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Thousands of designers, marketers, and product managers have come to rely on Susan Weinschenk's original 100 Things Every Designer Needs To Know About People as a go-to book. It provides practical advice on how to use the latest findings in psychology and neuroscience to directly inform and improve their designs, brands, and products. Research hasn't stopped since the book was written, and new design challenges have emerged.


Weinschenk's new book, 100 MORE Things Every Designer Needs To Know About People applies the latest research in psychology, neuroscience, brain research, and social psychology to the design of technology products, including websites, apps, wearables, and artificial intelligence. Weinschenk combines real science and research citations with practical examples to make her 100 MORE Things engaging, persuasive, easy to read, accessible, and useful. 100 MORE Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People is not just another "design guidelines" book because it explains the WHY behind the guidelines, providing concrete examples and prescriptions that can be easily and instantly applied.

276 сторінок

100 More Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People, Susan M. Weinschenk

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